Getting Ready To Roll – The Lift

September 9, 2011 was the day the Quidnau-Hindman house was lifted off it’s foundation.  The beams were in place on thursday and some had been lifted to a support position.  This morning began with final placement of the widthwise beams and placing the jacks.  Once in position, the hydraulic lines were put in place from the control panel and the lift began.


Once that first lift was completed, the building was checked for support and a higher lift was undertaken.  This raised the entire structure several feet off the foundation blocks so that the lengthwise supports could be inserted.  These are 50 foot beams which go under all of the lateral beams.  They were intially pushed under and then pulled into final position from the other end.


In this picture, you can see the lengthwise beam in front of the fireplace foundation.  At the sides of the brick foundation you can see the holders for the additional support for the base.

Monday should find the house raised nearly into transport position.

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